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Podcast Feature - The Business Case for Women's Sports

Ep. #48 The Story Behind SHOT:CLOCK - A 'Facts Only' Women's Sports Media Platform, ft. Mara Fitzgerald

by Caroline Fitzgerald August 8, 2023

"In Ep. #48, Caroline shared the microphone with Mara Fitzgerald - who happens to be Caroline’s sister, and the creator of SHOT:CLOCK which is a 'facts only' women's sports media platform. 


In August of 2018, Caroline and Mara were frustrated that women’s sports weren’t receiving more media coverage.

After a lot of brainstorming on a Fitzgerald Family vacation, SHOT:CLOCK was born as an Instagram account that would highlight the world of women’s sports by sharing news, data and relevant content.


While Caroline has since pivoted away from SHOT:CLOCK to go all-in on GOALS and The Business Case For Women's Sports podcast, Mara has remained steadfast in her work to grow SHOT:CLOCK into one of the go-to women’s sports media platforms for ‘facts only’ updates around women’s sports.


Today, SHOT:CLOCK has over 13K dedicated followers - all grown from the work Mara puts in in her free time - as her work as an architectural engineer in the construction industry remains her full-time profession. 


In this episode, hear Mara & Caroline tell the whole story behind the creation of SHOT:CLOCK, and how Mara continues to make waves across women’s sports with every SHOT:CLOCK post she creates."


Article - Bold Journey Magazine

Mara Fitzgerald

September 26, 2023

"I am an architectural engineer, construction manager, basketball coach, and founder of a women’s sports media platform called SHOT:CLOCK. Yes, that sounds like a lot, but I’m the type of person that pursues things I’m passionate about and works hard to make them successful. If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life, right?


My work as a construction project manager, utilizing my background in architectural engineering, is what pays the bills. My work as a basketball coach and in women’s sports media are my passion projects that bring me a lot of personal fulfillment and hopefully also add value to the sports world.

I started SHOT:CLOCK in 2019, not quite knowing what it would grow into. Now in 2023, we have almost 15,000 followers across various social media outlets. SHOT:CLOCK has given me opportunities to cover major events in women’s sports, from the WNBA All-Star game, WNBA finals, LPGA Solheim Cup, NWSL Championship, US Open, and more. I’ve also met amazing people in the women’s sports industry, from athletes to front office professionals. I hope to keep growing our platform and network to bring more visibility to the facts and figures of the women’s sports industry.


My goal is someday to marry my work in construction with my work in women’s sports by building women’s sports stadiums."

Article - Canvas Rebel

Stories & Insights | Meet Mara Fitzgerald

October 29, 2022

"Roughly 4% of sports media coverage is dedicated to women’s sports. Shot Clock was created to help level the media-coverage playing field.


I hope our legacy becomes not only providing more women’s sports news, data, and content to those seeking coverage, but also provide thought-provoking analytics that help equalize how society views women’s sports.


If we can help move the needle towards pay equality, equitable media coverage, and mutual respect between men’s and women’s sports, we’ve achieved our mission."

Article - VoyageKC

Rising Stars | Mara Fitzgerald

December 29, 2021

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
"As I mentioned earlier, my background is not in journalism or sports media – It’s actually in engineering.


After graduating from Penn State with a degree in Architectural Engineering, I began my professional career in construction project management for a mid-sized general contracting firm in Washington, DC. My teams specialize in healthcare, education, arts and music, and historic renovations. Being a woman sets me apart in construction – no doubt about it. I’m often the only woman on the jobsite and in project meetings. And just like in sports, there are always the nay-sayers who may prefer I “go back to the kitchen,” but I’d rather be the person building the kitchen. 


For the time being, my work with SHOT:CLOCK and women’s sports does not overlap much with my work in engineering and construction. But as women’s sports continue to grow, they’ll need new stadiums to play in. Hopefully one day I’ll be the person building those stadiums."

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